The Testimony of Brother Dante from Amsterdam

In March 2013, Brother Dante met Mama Prophet Joan at the Redeemed Church in Amsterdam. The Lord spoke to her concerning this brother that he is considering to get married but is afraid to go into it. The Lord said that he should go into it and He will take care of the marriage, and will arrange the marriage for him, because the hand of the Lord is in that marriage. That everything will be supplied! Amen!
Brother Dante knew the Lord was speaking, because how else would the woman of God have known all these things about him upon meeting him for the first time? He replied however that it is because of financial considerations that he is hesitating. The Lord told Mama Prophet Joan to asked him for his bank account number and transferred some  money for the wedding rings! From there on, people started sawing into that marriage in different ways, and everything was arranged!
When brother Dante went to meet with the people for the venue, also the musicians, technical crew, and etc., everybody showed him favour. True to the word of the Lord the marriage was miraculously taken care of, everything was organised to the last detail, the supply came in every aspect! And in the end, the marriage turned to be one of the big events in Amsterdam, looking at the number of people who attended! Even the owner of the venue had to confess that he never have so many people gathered in his venue before. Praise the Lord for He is great! Praise the Lord because He is faithful and true to His Word! Praise the Lord for His goodness to us! Amen.

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